An exciting dungeon-crawler with a variety of enemies and procedurally generated levels.

To enjoy this game, enable hardware acceleration on your browser (or make sure it is enabled) to allow Bugged Out to render on your GPU. Runs best on Chrome but works on all modern browsers. If the game is already running fine, don't worry about this.

The programs of a supercomputer are bogged down with bugs and you must fix them by killing the actual bugs that have invaded the computer. Based on a true story*.

The game is hosted on github because doesn't support client-side saving for web games - just click the "Launch Game" button and it'll take you to the full game.

WASD to move, mouse to look around, click to attack, right click to block, shift click to do a fast attack or interact.

Pretty standard FPS stuff. 

The gear button is settings - you can find a tutorial and (guess what?) settings there.

The remainder of the story/information is contained within the game itself.

Have fun playing!

Made for Github Gameoff 2021.

*Very loosely.


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Nice job on the procedurally generated level design and I like the different types of enemies as you progress. The way that the end station shows the amount of enemies remaining was a nice touch as well.

The main thing that bothered me was how "icy" the floor felt when moving around but besides that, great job!

Nice game environment! I liked the first person view and the music :)

A little slow the movements and no feedback when the enemies attack you. You can improve that.

Thank you very much!

As for your criticism: 

- Pure running is slow. Have you tried run-jumping - it's MUCH faster.

- Feedback: When an enemy attacks, your health bar goes down (and plays a little animation) and you get knocked back. What other kind of feedback would be good?

maybe some red vignete, indicating taking damage. It's really hard to tell when exactly you got hit, specifically with moth and ant's as thy don't push that much.


Already added red vignette.